Saturday, August 28, 2010

Today's Baby Craft is Brought to You by the Letter "J"

While perusing the internet looking for more ideas I came across a blog ( ) I think has a lot of useful ideas! Today I decided to make one and am pleased with my prototype.

Now I think I want to make it bigger and then put crinkly stuff in it and maybe position the tags a little differently but I'm happy as far as how it turned out with just winging it. I believe the lady who's idea I snitched worked with a larger size and I like that better and she had more tags.

The past week has seen me send my first born, Jordayn, off to her own apartment two hours away. I didn't cry but it has been very different around here without her. I miss her chatter and her laughter and the mom/daughter time we used to sneak in from the guys. I'm glad for her though and I hope this new chapter in her life is a life lesson on her way to adulthood. As we were getting things packed for her to go I came across my very first quilt top I worked on when I was taking care of my dad through his cancer treatment. I didn't have a machine then so it's hand sewn and I never finished it. Jordayn asked if she could have it so I thought I would put a back on it quickly and wanted it to be fun so I bought some rainbow stripped fleece. At a later time I'll do a proper backing but wanted her to have something special.

Tuesday starts school for my son, Kyle, as he starts his first year in high school. He's ready to go back I think so that he can be around his friends again. I thought he'd be nervous but that doesn't seem to be the case just yet. Here's hoping he stays that way!

I'm hoping to make sure I post here more often and not put so much time in between. Things keep getting hectic but I need to make myself make time.

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